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The Azrieli Jerusalem offices are located above the retail floors of the Azrieli Jerusalem mall, and extend over an area of approximately 3,000 sqm. The offices serve all of Jerusalem, and in particular the nearby southern neighborhoods of the city, including Holyland, Malcha, Ramat Sharet, Givat Masua and Gilo. The Azrieli Jerusalem offices are extremely transit-accessible thanks to their close proximity to the Begin Highway, train station, bus lines, and a network of multi-lane roads. The offices also benefit from a prominent location across the road from Jerusalem’s major sports arenas: the Teddy Stadium and the Pais Arena. The offices, which feature a gym, are mainly occupied by clinics, medical institutes, and freelancers. Entry to the offices is through the mall, which has recently been fully renovated, and parking is conveniently located close to the offices’ entrance. The mall and offices meet accessibility requirements. The Azrieli Jerusalem mall will be expanded in the coming years with more retail space, 300 senior housing apartments, and an addition of 6,000 sqm of office space in Stage I, in view of the current demand.


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